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Sunday 17 May 2015

Létt-Lopi in Luxembourg

I'm almost ashamed to admit it but together with Malta, Cyprus, Portugal, Bulgaria and Slovenia, LUXEMBOURG is the only out of all EU countries I haven't haven't visited yet. That had to be changed, of course, so we decided to make an express visit for two days of the long Ascension-weekend. My expectations weren't too high after all I had heard from colleagues who assured me that " half a day is more than enough and that includes two hours of drinking coffee". But I was positively surprised! Yes, it is tiny, but coming from Belgium it feels kinda cool to actually go to a country that's even smaller. It's a bit like being the big brother for once.

If I would have to sum up Luxembourg in one sentence it would be: green, friendly, and the best and cleanest public toilets I've ever seen in my life. It also has some good hiking spots which surprised me because I thought it would be so densely populated there's hardly any space for nature. So wrong! The towns are small so there's lots of nature left, for example the lovely Mullerthal trail  in Luxembourg's "Little Switzerland" near the German border. And the best thing is that they have great transport links so you can do everything by bus or leave your car at one place, hike somewhere, and take the bus back. Worked like a charm for me when I gave up after 2 hrs of the trail with some mean blisters of my new hiking boots.... 

We did manage to do quite a lot in two days in the end and we saw Luxembourg city (including a movie at the cinematek), Echternach, Berdorf and Vianden castle. Plenty of opportunity also to show off my not-so-new Lopi cardigan that had to undergo some renovations - here it is in its refurbished glory, finally actually fitting a human being. 

I also started a new Lopi project, this time a "Riddari" for Thomas which I promised to finish before our trip to Iceland in August. Keep checking here for updates!

 Pattern: Design 11 from Létt-Lopi Nr. 16 by Margrét Valdemarsdóttir
Yarn: Istex Létt-Lopi

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