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Friday 13 May 2016

Sorbetto(s) 1 and 2


As I mentioned in my last sewing-related post, I've become a little frustrate with my sewing projects lately. The last Lilou didn't turn out the way I was hoping for, hence it's still lying unfinished next to my sewing machine (only the zip is missing).

Then I has some threading troubles that were driving me to the edge of insanity (the first few stitches would be fine, then suddenly the upper thread would lose all tension and create loops on the underside of the garment). I finally figured out that it was because of the thread (thanks Emily!), even though I had previously used it and it was fine! Somehow this threw me back to my first sewing experience in school where I ended up crying through the lesson because this machine did not want to cooperate - I think I might have mentioned this traumatising episode before.

Anyhow, the bottom line is that I decided to take a step back and first make some eaiser projects again before taking on something more complex; I think I simply overestimated my abilities in the case of the second "Lilou". So, back to an old-time favourite, the Sorbetto top! I had actually sewn my first one (in black) a couple of years ago but never blogged it so here it is together with the latest version with sleeves and flower print.

I have worn my black Sorbetto a lot so it already looks a bit worn down but I love the fit and also the detail with the ribbon, a souvenir from Ukraine. For my second Sorbetto I added the sleeves (according to a pattern I found here) and I left out the pleat in the centre. However, due to my stupidity when cutting out the pieces I didn't have enough fabric to cut from the fold so I had to cut two separate pieces, hence the white lacy ribbon in the centre - it's covering up the seam.

I still love the pattern and this success has given me back a bit of confidence. I want to be 100 % sure I don't mess it up when I start cutting into my Nani Iro treasures...

1 comment:

  1. Glad I could be of some help! Your tops are both lovely :)
