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Thursday 8 January 2015


As mentioned in the previous post I stocked up on my annual Lópi supply. As it is so easy to knit with, I already finished my first project - "Hela" - over the last week. Actually I could have even knitted more but unfortunately I didn't take any more projects when I left for the holidays. I was sick when I left and because I was feeling a bit woozy my packing was very erratic - I ended up with three pairs of trousers but only two shirts and of course too little knitting gear!

"Hela" was finished as easily and quickly as expected but despite all the warnings that I read on other people's Ravelry-projects it turned out too short. I don't know why this time the size measurements didn't work out (I suppose it is called SHORT cardigan for a reason), usually I always followed the Istex pattern instructions and it was fine. I'm now debating if I should start over but seeing as though I knitted it bottom-up that would mean unraveling pretty much the whole thing *sigh*. I don't think I can face that right now at the start of the new year so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that some additional blocking might solve the problem. In my frustration I bought more yarn, this time for a "Marius" jumper on which I've already had an eye for a long time.

Apart from the knitting dry spell it was a relatively relaxed Christmas week (me being knocked out ill for most of it was actually not so bad because nobody asked me to help prepare stuff for the big family get-together). I spent the week in Germany and then went on a mini-adventure for New Year's in Poland and Belarus. Pictures to follow!

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