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Wednesday 27 January 2016

Housing troubles

After moving house in December I thought the worst was over and I could finally concentrate on my knitting and other FUN things. Unfortunately I was wrong.

It's been barely a month but things with the new flat have been chaotic to say the least: on the day we moved in, our garage was broken into and a neighbour's bike was stolen and another neighbour had his car window smashed. Not even a month after moving in, it turns out we have a leaking roof which manifested itself in flooding of our bed- and living rooms. As a consequence of the leak a fuse blew and we have been partly without electricity since. Fun!! Especially the part where we walk around with camping lamps in our own flats to  brush our teeth....

Of course things can go wrong - that's life and we all get our share of it - but why does it all have to happen at the same time?! Besides the flat-situation, work is also particularly stressful (if exciting) which means I have to do long hours and all I wish for is to come home to our (dry) flat, cook a nice dinner, and sit on the couch and read a book or knit - all of which are quite difficult without light. Not even mentioning the unavoidable quarrel and chasing up with landlords, contractors, janitors, etc. which is costing me a lot of nerves.

I need a holiday!

PS: Sorry, no fun pictures. Mainly because I don't feel like it but also because of a lack of lighting.

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