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Sunday 9 August 2015

Polka dot socks


 I realized I haven't been posting anything about knitting lately. That does of course not reflect reality because I'm still working on two different projects at the moment and I finished two more that I haven posted yet! Here's the first one:

Another project from Anna Wilkinson's book "Learn to knit - love to knit" were these cute polka-dot socks. I've had them on the needles for a  loooooong time, mainly because I only have one pair of bamboo needles that I use when travelling (experienced knitters will know the struggle with metal needles and airport security....). I've been working on the socks pretty much a whole year, on and off, every time I was taking a trip somewhere. The first sock was finished in Riga and the second one in Cologne, those are real travelling socks!

Even though I really like the way they look, knitting them was a pain in the a**. And, as my aunt mentioned it when I was almost finished, the long floats are also not great because your toes get caught when putting them on. I followed Anna's pattern by inserting a rib pattern at the back to keep the  ease, which is the only way I can get those stranded knits over my clumsy feet. I still don't understand how people can knit socks in complicated stranded patterns because they're totally unflexible and not stretchy at all - maybe they have some secret techniques to put them on their feet? I haven't discovered those yet.

The colours are my favourite though, makes me think of candy floss. I still had the darker shade left over from my Yosemite socks and I bought it on a desperate "I have to knit NOW" stint when I was in San Francisco; the lighter shade is a normal Regia sock yarn I bought in Veritas in Brussels.Oh, and isn't this "Wanderlust" poster wonderful? It was designed by Brussels artist Fanny Dreyer for a project in Ixelles and I begged myself a copy from the cultural center where it was advertised. Now I have it framed in my living room and I love it.

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